FDA Medications for OUD
Benefits and options for switching from Street Drugs to Prescription Drugs including counseling if complete abstinence from drugs has failed for you on multiple occasions:
Street Drugs can be mixed with other Substances that you are not aware of that can cause you to overdose.
Using Heroin requires use every four to six hours which means your entire day revolves around finding and using Heroin just to stay normal.
For Instance, Methadone, which is one of these prescription drugs, can be used once every 24 hours in a controlled dose that is suitable for you given by a Nurse Practitioner or Physician at a Methadone Clinic. This allows you to be able to live your daily life without having to make sure you are using every 4 to 6 hours to avoid withdrawal symptoms. It is also covered by insurance and will save you money.
Illegal drugs can get you into trouble with the law.